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Why Treaty Education?

I feel that the purpose of teaching Treaty Ed in schools to our students is because whether we believe we do or not we are treaty people because treaty people are so embedded in Canadian History. Growing up in my schools I was never taught a lot about Treaty Ed but I always knew it was very important and relevant to Canada. I feel that if we do not talk about Treaty Ed in schools, the culture will die resulting in the biggest part of Canadian history slowly dying off. I like having things in the classroom that support things like this such as '100 Days of Cree.' It is fun for the children but it is also extremely knowledgeable. One of the only things I remember from highschool about Treaty Ed was being taught about the Residential Schools. This is a huge part of their history and it is important for students to be educated on it, despite how it negatively impacted people. I feel that schools need to embrace First Nations people and their culture and try and take more positive angles when they educate students on it.
We are Treaty people because the land we live on is Treaty land.

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