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Never even knew Twitter Chats were a thing........

My title is true, I had noooo idea that Twitter Chats were a thing. In EDTC 300 last week we were asked to participate in a chat on TweetDeck. I couldn't find any chats that fit with my schedule because I work during the day and I have evening classes most nights during the week. And to be honest, I take my weekends for myself and try to do as less homework as possible. Luckily, I found a chat called #RuralEdChat that was set to start at 8:00 pm. I was a little late joining, but I am really happy that I did. There was only a couple people that participated in it and they kept the chat quite short so I only got to comment/chat a couple times. The first question they asked was: "What is on your mind?" Pretty open ended, right? I could have said pizza, how much I still struggle with twitter, how much I hate olives, how much I love chicken wings... But I wrote:

I got a few words of advice and I couldn't agree more with what they had to say to me. I hope that the schools I work in and the classes that I work in are willing to help me out, as I am very inexperienced still and I know that everyday I will learn something new. As teachers, we don't always work with students who have intensive needs as much as some EA's do, and I know I still need some training with students who have intensive needs, as I have only worked with a few needs (ADHD and Autism). I believe that as an EA, I will be able to acquire useful skills and strategies that I can bring into my own classroom someday and gain experience.

I also commented on an individual's post on this twitter chat...

This individual said that he is going to miss his students, and I replied in saying that I also miss my students because they have impacted me so much and I learned lots from my students: About who I am as a person and as a teacher. They are very special to me and I will always call them, "my kids" because they are my kids. Each and every one of them has touched me in so many ways.

My first experience in a Twitter Chat was really awesome. I loved this one in particular because it was very open ended and super personal, which made it easy to connect with others and offer advice or ask questions. I hope to join this Twitter Chat again next Tuesday evening!

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