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Stupid Wix...

*Please note that my laptop browser does not support Wix so I can't blog on my laptop and I have to use my cell phone to blog. THEREFORE, my phone is very limiting as to what I am able to do with my blog so I can't make it as "fancy" as I was able to make it before. I am using the Wix app which doesn't have very many options.* The last few weeks of school were crazy so I wasn't really able to do much blogging. I filmed week 11, but never posted it on my blog. After posting week 12, I realized that I forgot to post and blog about week 11, so I am making a combined/merged post!


Both weeks were hard. In previous dances I had learned how to do partner dances (like Rumba and Fox Trot) and eventually towards the end of my learning project I gravitated towards country line dances. The first few country line dances that I did were easier, but then they progressively got harder and I began to challenge myself. When practicing each individual move on it's own I realized that it was a lot easier doing that rather than trying to do the entire line dance in one, which was very challenging. The pace was quicker and the movements weren't as slow as when I had practiced them before. I found that I kept forgetting what move came after the other. I began to find myself feeling frustrated and embarrassed dancing on camera after I had messed up and forgot how to do the moves several times. Stay tuned for my final post, folks!

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